American Arcadia is out now!

Hey everyone,

Today is the release day and we are super excited to share American Arcadia with all of you!

In Out of the Blue, we always like to develop new experiences, and we're passionate about exploring new stories in every game. That is why people were surprised by how different the game was from our previous title, Call of the Sea.

Two ideas were really captivating us: the “escaping from a dystopia” theme, which is a kind of story that we all love in Out of the Blue Games, and the 70’s setting and aesthetic, which we believed is not that exploited in games and we find really appealing. So we can say that in the end, American Arcadia was born after combining both of these concepts.  But American Arcadia is much more than a “escape from a 70’s dystopia” game.

We wanted to tackle a more contemporary dystopia: the society we currently inhabit. One obsessed with appearance, likes, and instant gratification. A society dominated by exhibitionism, where personal life seems to fade away, and every aspect of our private lives is subject to external scrutiny. The message we would like to share with American Arcadia is that you don't need to share your life to be happy, because in the end, you are not living your life, you are living a display life for others. Just because your life is simple, it doesn’t mean it has to be boring.

American Arcadia is also a story about cooperation and friendship. This game would not have been possible if it wasn't for the passion, craft, and care that each member of the team has put into the development. This game is huge in every sense, compared to Call of the Sea, and teamwork was the key.

We genuinely hope you immerse yourself in the world we've created and enjoy this tale about privacy and corporate greed to the fullest!

Out of the Blue


The References of American Arcadia


American Arcadia – What's Available At Launch (Bundles and More!)